Jun 24, 2016 | Education Research, Projects
New Jersey Department of Education Post School Outcomes Survey | 2009 – Ongoing The New Jersey Post School Outcomes Study is a survey of students with disabilities who exit high school (graduate, aged out, drop out or move and are not known to be continuing). The goal...
Jun 24, 2016 | Education Research, Projects
New Jersey Department of Education School Parent Survey | 2005 – Ongoing The Parent Survey involves an annual survey of parents of students with disabilities to determine how schools have facilitated parents’ involvement in their child’s program. The parent survey is...
Mar 13, 2015 | Education, Senior Management Team, Staff, Survey Lead
Assistant Director (848) 932-2782 siobhan.power@ejb.rutgers.edu Siobhan Power came to the BCSR in 2006 as a part-time Survey Administrator for the New Jersey Middle School Risk and Protective Factor Survey and the New Jersey Student Health Survey. In 2008, she...
Feb 5, 2015 | PRAMS, Project Coordinators, Staff
Research Project Coordinator (848) 932-1054 ericabodak@ejb.rutgers.edu Erica Bodak joined the BCSR in 2008, working part-time on data entry, survey mailings, and other administrative tasks. Her worked expanded to include cleaning and maintaining databases, managing...
Jan 1, 2015 | Director, PRAMS, Senior Management Team, Staff
Director (848) 932-2944 nwolff@ejb.rutgers.edu Nancy Wolff, Ph.D., an economist and distinguished professor, joined the Bloustein faculty in 1992, and became Director of the Bloustein Center for Survey Research in 2015. Her research has increasingly focused on public...